Minter’s Month in Review—October 2021

2 min readNov 2, 2021


In October, Minter Team was focused on three key directions—Minter upgrade, Minter Hub upgrade, and Honee crypto wallet development. The winter’s gonna be hot!


  • ❄️ December 1st will see the release of Minter 2.6 with on-chain order books
  • 🎛 5 cool features of the new Minter Hub 2, which goes live December 2
  • ⚡️ 100,000 limit orders in 4.22 seconds!

News & Events


  • Minter 2.6 upgrade scheduled for December 1. Long-awaited on-chain order books that will make it possible to place limit orders right in liquidity pools.
  • Minter Hub’s major upgrade will improve existing opportunities as well as introduce the new ones. The roll-out is set for December 2.
    Feature #1: Easy modular connection of other networks;
    Feature #2: Revamped cross-chain fees mechanism;
    Feature #3: Native ETH support;
    Feature #4: Discounts on cross-chain transfers for HUB holders;
    Feature #5: Cross-chain DeFi, full interoperability with other networks.
  • This past month, crypto wallet Honee was at the stage of active alpha testing. The feedback from our community helps us constantly make the app better:
    Changelog #1 (Oct. 18)
    Changelog #2 (Oct. 29)
  • In December, we plan to introduce the pre-release version of the app, which will feature unique functionality for earning crypto. The new opportunities presented by Minter and Minter Hub will let us implement many interesting money-making mechanics, programs, and instruments into Honee.
  • New farming programs for November:
    BEE-MUSD: 100% APR, payouts in BEE (details)
    USDTE-USDCE: 36.5% APR, payouts in BIP (details)
    HUB-BIP: 36.5% APR, payouts in BIP (details)
  • Ad campaigns across Twitter, Google, Facebook, Instagram.


  • Minter 2.6 with on-chain AMMOB (Automated Market Maker with Order Book) orders entered public testing.
  • Several load tests conducted on Taconet. One of them showed terrific results: 100,000 limit orders were executed in 4.22 seconds in a single block.
  • Bug fixes and optimization of Mainnet Explorer.
  • Taconet Minter Explorer updates in progress (limit orders, order book).
  • Minter Console updated to support limit orders on Taconet.
  • Pre-release version of Minter Hub finished, launched on testnet already.
  • Changes to Console made for interaction with the updated Minter Hub.

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