Last month, Minter kicked off new farming programs with payouts in stablecoins, ran multiple promo campaigns for a pool on Uniswap, rolled out a couple of new landing pages, and tested products to be introduced later this fall. Got your hot, fresh coffee ready? ☕️
- 👨🌾🧑🌾👩🌾
A series of farming programs for the USDTE-MUSD stablecoin pool:
— 0.1% in BIP until Aug 31 (details)
— 0.1% in USDTE until Oct 1 (details)
— 0.1% in MUSD until Oct 1 (details) - 🥇
The BIPx airdrop event ranked first on the largest platforms, and - 🏁
Deposits for the issuance of BSC-based BIPx totaled at 73 551 437 BIP. The token is set to go live Sep 1
News & Events
- One of the most popular programs for the USDTE and USDCE stablecoins extended through October 1 at an APR of 36.6%
- Farming in the USDTE-MUSD pool will last through October 1 as well. The rewards stand at 0.1% in USDTE (details)
- Yet another farming program launched for the USDTE-MUSD pool (0.1% in MUSD, details)
- Important changes to reward distribution for farming programs and giveaways: from now on, several snapshots will be taken daily, and payouts will be sent the next day
- The BIPX airdrop event rightfully took its first spot in the HOT section on CoinMarketCal. It also became the No. 1 trending event on CoinMarketCap
- CoinMarketCap now shows Uniswap in the Market tab on the BIP’s page
- New landing pages:
— Minter HUB
— Making Money on Stablecoins - Ad campaigns across Twitter, Google, Facebook, and Instagram
- A definitive, step-by-step guide: How to Earn on USDT and USDC Stablecoins with Minter
- Since Aug 16, LPs of the BIPX-USDT pool on Uniswap have been able to claim their farming rewards: 0.1% in BIPX + 0.1% in USDT
- Giveaway drawn among the LPs of the BIPX-USDT pool on Uniswap (budget: 1 000 000 BIPX). More detail
- Since Aug 23, LPs of the BIPX-USDT pool on Uniswap have been able to claim their share of the 1M BIPX airdrop
- Acceptance of deposits for BIPx (Binance Smart Chain) successfully finished. A total of 73 551 437 BIP has been accumulated. On Sep 1, the BIPx token is getting minted on the BSC network and the distribution process starts shortly afterward
- Development and testing of Honee crypto wallet (public alpha version will become available at some point in September)
- Active testing and improvement of AMMOB (on-chain limit orders)
- Ledger Console in progress
- Development of functionality for managing liquidity pools within BIP Wallet (ETA: first half of October)
- Explorer SDK update
- Improvement of claiming service for August campaigns (farming, airdrop, giveaway)