- Burned the larger part of BEE token supply on both networks
- Made the second buyback and burn of BIP from an address that accumulates 0.1% on each swap in liquidity pools
- Compiled an up-to-date list of Minter Hub oracles allowing their users to stake HUB
- Launched the second BEE staking program at up to 20% APR
- Added an ability to withdraw assets to BNB Smart Chain and Ethereum from @HoneeBot
- Enabled Honee users to top up their wallet with BNB, ETH, or any coin of the Minter network
- Signed up for CoinMarketCap’s microblogging platform
- Organized a Minter DEX market maker contest where one has to place orders at near-market prices
- Rolled out a HUBSTAKE staking program with payouts in HUB and an APR of 5%
- Honee:
— BNB and ETH deposits
— Onboarding upon wallet creation
— Automatic swap of coins in staking cards
— Referral system in progress
— Portfolio functionality in progress - Improvement and optimization of HoneeBot
- Development of smart wallets
- Various improvements to Minter Console and Minter Explorer